
Ramblings of a lost and lonely soul

I wish that everything was different 
That my life was better than now 
But... I'm being so selfish! 
I've got almost everything I want 
But I'm always asking for more  
I'm never satisfied with what I've got...  

Sometimes, I just hate myself 
I want to be like the others, I want to be normal 
Even when I'm so diferent of them  
But, who says what's right or wrong? 
Who says what's normal? 
Who says what I should do?  

Why does everything have to be like this? 
What's my purpose in the world? Does somebody have one? 
Or we just are here to be lost souls looking for redemption?  

Oh, I just want...

4 Palavra(s) de Apoio:

Luccas^^ disse...

What fun would it be if we were all equal?
The good thing is we are totally different.
We are together on this journey. Looking for our self.
I know we all have a purpose in life Lool
We just need a little more time to find out.


aninha3650 disse...


†Psyborg Girl† disse...

eh esse programa mesmo...
dass, detesto esses japas fakes... >.<
ja nao bastava os portugueses terem arruinado o human tetris... ç.ç

†Psyborg Girl† disse...

eh mesmo muito raro ver, mas tava a dar um filme interessante (Shakespeare in Love) e aquilo apareceu no intervalo x.X
O mundo ta louco...

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